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Ivy Wu (email:

TEL: 886-7-2015968

FAX: 886-7-3316138

Contact us for full product information and friendly professional advice.

Detailed product data sheets with specifications, drawings and prices are available for all models.

Any further question or suggestion welcomed!!


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1. Specification Shelves

solid/perforated shelf only can be chosen stainless steel.

Shelf Foot Plate(Height about 20mm) 5”wheels(Height about 165mm)

Wire Shelf Accessory:The following accessories 1.7~1.10 are not required if you do not choose

1.7 Wire Shelf Ledge

1.8 Wire Shelf Side Rail

2. Specification Trolley

solid/perforated shelf only can be chosen stainless steel.

total height including wheels is 1020mm

If choose 2pcs UL handle, the shelf post height is no need

Height about 165mm

Wire Shelf Accessory:The following accessories 2.9 to 2.12 are not required if you do not choose.


2.9 Wire Shelf Ledge

2.10 Wire Shelf Side Rail

3. Flatbed Hand Cart

4. Custom Work Table
4.1 Size
Shelf Foot Plate Wheels

5. Custom Shelves
5.1 Size
Shelf Foot Plate Wheels


TEL: 886-7-2015968

FAX: 886-7-3316138

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